Example 3: Extracting training data for machine-learning applications

Please notice that code chunks in this document are meant to be executed on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) machine in region us-west-2 (Oregon). Examples have been selected to yield computation times acceptable for a live demonstration. Please feel free to apply on larger areas and/or using a higher spatial resolution.


Machine learning models for land cover classification, change detection, spatiotemporal prediction, and similar tasks in most cases need a large number of observations for training. In this example, we will extract satellite observations from labeled points. Therefore, we will use primary data from the European Land Use and Coverage Area frame Survey (LUCAS) containing ground-based land cover point samples from 2018. The data can be downloaded as country-wise CSV files (see here). We will use observations over Germany and extract Sentinel-2 NDVI observations of common wheat samples.

1. Load and preprocess samples

First, we need to convert our CSV table into a spatially referenced sf (Pebesma 2018) object. After reading the CSV files, we remove rows without valid coordinates and create an sf object using st_as_sf() by specifying the names of latitude and longitude columns.

x = read.csv("data/DE_2018_20200213.CSV") # downloaded from https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/lucas/DE_2018_20200213.CSV
x = x[-which(is.na(x$TH_LAT) | is.na(x$TH_LONG)),]
x = st_as_sf(x, coords = c("TH_LONG", "TH_LAT"), crs = "EPSG:4326")
x$t = as.Date(x$SURVEY_DATE, format = "%d/%m/%y") 
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 2 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 10.25433 ymin: 47.97129 xmax: 10.28515 ymax: 53.32969
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
##   LC1          t                  geometry
## 1 B16 2018-06-20 POINT (10.28515 53.32969)
## 2 B16 2018-08-03 POINT (10.25433 47.97129)
## 3 C21 2018-06-26 POINT (10.25469 48.04328)
## 4 B16 2018-07-06 POINT (10.26024 49.12281)
## 5 A22 2018-09-03  POINT (10.2652 50.04006)
## 6 B32 2018-09-02  POINT (10.2659 50.16593)
## [1] 26777

The LC1 column contains codes for primary land cover types of the samples. We are interested in common wheat, which is decoded as B11.

We now use the dplyr package (Wickham et al. 2022) to sample 100 corresponding observations and afterwards plot the result.

x[startsWith(x$LC1, c("B11")), c("LC1","t")] |>
  dplyr::slice_sample(n = 100) -> training_sites


As expected from random sampling, points are scattered all over Germany, i.e., we need to load a lot of Sentinel-2 images though only extracting single values.

3. Convert STAC results to a gdalcubes image collection


ids = unlist(lapply(items$features, function(x) {x$id}))
items$features_unique = items$features[-which((duplicated(ids)))]

s2_collection = 
  stac_image_collection(items$features_unique, asset_names = c("B02","B03","B04","B08","SCL"),
                        property_filter = function(x) {x[["eo:cloud_cover"]] < 10},
                        out_file = "S2_de_2018.db")

4. Create an NDVI data cube

Now, we (re)load the image collection, and define a rather large data cube at 10m / five days spatial and temporal resolution respectively. We also calculate the NDVI, which we would like to use as “explanatory” variable.

s2_collection = image_collection("S2_de_2018.db")
## Image collection object, referencing 1719 images with 5 bands
## Images:
##                       name     left      top   bottom    right
## 1 S2B_32ULV_20180930_0_L2A 6.230946 49.64597 48.63304 7.763442
## 2 S2B_31UGQ_20180930_0_L2A 5.714101 49.61960 48.58836 7.285031
## 3 S2B_31UGU_20180930_0_L2A 5.927835 53.21198 52.17549 7.634167
## 4 S2B_32ULA_20180930_0_L2A 6.178682 50.54532 49.53174 7.752769
## 5 S2B_31UGP_20180930_0_L2A 5.667023 48.72092 47.69193 7.208270
## 6 S2B_31UGR_20180930_0_L2A 5.763559 50.51810 49.48563 7.365728
##              datetime        srs
## 1 2018-09-30T10:44:11 EPSG:32632
## 2 2018-09-30T10:44:11 EPSG:32631
## 3 2018-09-30T10:44:11 EPSG:32631
## 4 2018-09-30T10:44:11 EPSG:32632
## 5 2018-09-30T10:44:11 EPSG:32631
## 6 2018-09-30T10:44:11 EPSG:32631
## [ omitted 1713 images ] 
## Bands:
##   name offset scale unit nodata image_count
## 1  B02      0     1                    1719
## 2  B03      0     1                    1719
## 3  B04      0     1                    1719
## 4  B08      0     1                    1719
## 5  SCL      0     1                    1719
v = cube_view(extent=s2_collection, dt="P5D", dx=10, dy=10, srs="EPSG:3857", 
              aggregation = "median", resampling = "nearest")

S2.mask = image_mask("SCL", values = c(3,8,9))
raster_cube(s2_collection, v, mask = S2.mask) |> 
  select_bands(c("B04","B08")) |>
  apply_pixel("(B08-B04)/(B08+B04)", "NDVI") -> s2_cube
## A data cube proxy object
## Dimensions:
##                low             high  count pixel_size chunk_size
## t       2018-04-01       2018-10-02     37        P5D          1
## y 6055573.54251774 7370993.54251774 131542         10        768
## x 630847.596478828 1686797.59647883 105595         10        768
## Bands:
##   name offset scale nodata unit
## 1 NDVI      0     1    NaN

5. Extract NDVI values from point samples

Now, we can extract values from the cube using the extract_geom() function. Given a data cube and any simple feature geometries as an sf object, the function can be used as a general method to extract data cube pixel values at irregular locations. extract_geom() returns a data.frame with columns for feature identifiers (FIDs, often row numbers of the sf object), time, and bands / variables of the data cube. Each row represents the data cube values of one pixel relating to the feature given by the FID column. For anything other than simple point geometries (e.g. POLYGON, LINESTRING, MULTIPOINT, and similar), the result may contain multiple rows per feature. In these cases, it is possible to apply an aggregation function to compute mean, median or similar summary statistics over features.

ndvi_obs <- extract_geom(s2_cube, training_sites, time_column = "t")
## [1] 41
##    FID       time      NDVI
## 1   57 2018-05-01 0.8804501
## 2   30 2018-05-06 0.8050663
## 3   35 2018-06-05 0.7198088
## 4   85 2018-06-05 0.8537557
## 5    1 2018-05-21 0.8391836
## 6   62 2018-05-21 0.9128920
## 7   98 2018-07-05 0.3368209
## 8   52 2018-05-21 0.8626270
## 9   58 2018-07-10 0.1909882
## 10  40 2018-07-30 0.1408007
## 11  12 2018-07-30 0.2224856
## 12  73 2018-08-14 0.1351557
## 13  43 2018-05-26 0.6305167
## 14  34 2018-08-04 0.1770833
## 15  20 2018-06-15 0.5195870
## 16   7 2018-06-30 0.2899637
## 17  54 2018-07-10 0.3022435
## 18  91 2018-05-21 0.8774093
## 19  94 2018-07-10 0.1689287
## 20  86 2018-09-23 0.2425644
## 21  22 2018-07-10 0.1695410
## 22  21 2018-07-25 0.1729660
## 23   3 2018-07-15 0.1894737
## 24  55 2018-07-05 0.5551574
## 25  38 2018-07-15 0.2028777
## 26  16 2018-07-20 0.1965953
## 27  60 2018-06-30 0.7829303
## 28  88 2018-09-13 0.1201814
## 29  53 2018-06-25 0.4928320
## 30  61 2018-06-05 0.7470802
## 31  37 2018-07-15 0.3542211
## 32  13 2018-07-30 0.1968912
## 33  83 2018-07-30 0.1500595
## 34  45 2018-07-15 0.2294758
## 35  72 2018-07-30 0.1219168
## 36   9 2018-07-30 0.1710145
## 37  33 2018-07-05 0.2437377
## 38   2 2018-06-30 0.3162814
## 39  26 2018-07-20 0.2150664
## 40  19 2018-07-30 0.1512475
## 41  92 2018-08-04 0.1296584

extract_geom() drops any pixels with missing values only. Hence, if a feature is outside the extent of the data cube, or all pixels of a feature are NA due to clouds or unavailability of images, these pixels will not be included in the result. In contrast, if the input features contain overlapping geometries, pixels may be included several times (with different values in the FID column).

6. Combine results with geometries

To combine the extracted data cube values with the original sf object with geometries, the merge() function can be used. merge() performs table join operations on common columns (e.g. IDs). We therefore first need to add an FID column to the features and then join both tables by their FID columns. Notice that by default, this is performing an inner join, i.e. rows with FIDs that only exist in one table will be dropped. Alternatively, we can set all.x=TRUE to make sure that our result contains all features from the original dataset (left outer join).

sf = training_sites
sf$FID = rownames(sf)
df = merge(sf, ndvi_obs, by = "FID")

## Simple feature collection with 41 features and 5 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 7.211101 ymin: 47.96261 xmax: 13.69784 ymax: 54.24233
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
## First 10 features:
##    FID LC1          t       time      NDVI                  geometry
## 1    1 B11 2018-05-25 2018-05-21 0.8391836  POINT (11.0275 54.24233)
## 2   12 B11 2018-08-03 2018-07-30 0.2224856 POINT (10.91728 51.99644)
## 3   13 B11 2018-07-30 2018-07-30 0.1968912 POINT (10.86522 53.81222)
## 4   16 B11 2018-07-24 2018-07-20 0.1965953 POINT (9.115374 51.81693)
## 5   19 B11 2018-07-30 2018-07-30 0.1512475 POINT (12.64639 53.64279)
## 6    2 B11 2018-07-03 2018-06-30 0.3162814 POINT (13.29432 53.41114)
## 7   20 B11 2018-06-16 2018-06-15 0.5195870 POINT (12.72851 49.16188)
## 8   21 B11 2018-07-29 2018-07-25 0.1729660 POINT (12.39406 51.83186)
## 9   22 B11 2018-07-10 2018-07-10 0.1695410 POINT (11.04414 51.18639)
## 10  26 B11 2018-07-23 2018-07-20 0.2150664 POINT (11.24503 52.26309)

7. Extract complete time series

If we skip the time_column argument in extract_geom(), we can extract complete time series at irregular points. Below, we use the same locations but extract complete time series, which we afterwards plot using the ggplot2 package (Wickham 2016).

wheat_timeseries <- extract_geom(s2_cube, training_sites)


wheat_timeseries |>
  ggplot( aes(x = as.Date(time), y = NDVI, color = factor(FID))) +
  geom_line(size = 0.5) + 
  ylim(c(0,1)) + xlim(c(as.Date("2018-04-01"),as.Date("2018-09-30"))) + 
  xlab("Time") + ylab("NDVI") 

## [1] 1468


Pebesma, E. (2018), Simple Features for R: Standardized Support for Spatial Vector Data,” The R Journal, 10, 439–446. https://doi.org/10.32614/RJ-2018-009.
Wickham, H. (2016), ggplot2: Elegant graphics for data analysis, Springer-Verlag New York.
Wickham, H., François, R., Henry, L., and Müller, K. (2022), Dplyr: A grammar of data manipulation.