
Sets the temporal reference of an existing array.


AFL% eo_settrs(array, tdim, t0, dt  );
AFL% eo_settrs(array_target, array_source);
Argument Description
array_target Existing array whose temporal reference will be set
array_source Existing array from which the temporal reference will be copied to the target array
tdim Name of the temporal dimension as a string
t0 Datetime of the cell at t=0, i.e. the starting date given as a string according to ISO8601 e.g. ‘2015-02-05T12:04:11’
dt Datetime interval of temprally neighbouring cells as a string according to ISO8601 for period, e.g. ‘P16D or ’PT3H’


This is a data definition operator and won’t return any results.


  1. Create an array that covers the whole world with 1 degree pixel size and one day temporal resolution starting at January 1st, 2015.

    store(build(<val:double>[lat=0:1799,256,0,lon=0:3599,256,0, t=0:364,16,0],1),world);  
    eo_setsrs(world,'lon','lat','EPSG',4326,'x0=-180 y0=90 a11=0.1 a22=-0.1');
    eo_settrs(world,'t','2015-01-01', 'P1D');



Marius Appel - marius.appel@uni-muenster.de