
Sets the spatial reference of an existing array.


AFL% eo_setsrs(array_target, xdim, ydim, auth_name, auth_srid, A  );
AFL% eo_setsrs(array_target, array_source );
Argument Description
array_target Existing array whose spatial reference will be set
array_source Existing array from which the spatial reference will be copied to the target array
xdim Name of the longitude / easting dimension as a string
ydim Name of the latitude / northing dimension as a string
auth_name String identifier of SRS authority, e.g. ‘EPSG’
auth_srid Integer ID of the reference system according to an authority, e.g. 4326
A Affine transformation parameters as a string (see details below), e.g. ‘x0=-180 y0=90 a11=0.1 a22=-0.1’


This is a data definition operator and won’t return any results.


The affine transformation A is used to relate image coordinates to referenced coordinates. Its string definition takes a space separated list of parameters x0,y0,a11,a12,a21,a22 with default values representing the identity transformation (0,0,1,0,0,1). Notice that the affine transformation is in line with the GDAL data model.


  1. Create an array that covers the whole world with 0.1 degrees pixel size

    eo_setsrs(world,'lon','lat','EPSG',4326,'x0=-180 y0=90 a11=0.1 a22=-0.1');


The plugin comes with standard EPSG definitions. If the combination of authority name and id cannot be found internally, the plugin checks spatialreference.org and automatically adds the system to the catalog if available. Otherwise, you may add proj4 and wkt definitions manually using eo_regnewsrs().


Marius Appel - marius.appel@uni-muenster.de