
Gets the spatial reference of existing arrays.


AFL% eo_getsrs([...]);
Argument Description
... Optional list of arrays


A one-dimensional table-like array with rows for all given arrays and attributes (name, xdim, ydim, auth_name, auth_srid, srtext, proj4text). If no array is given as argument, the operator considers all spatially referenced arrays. Result attributes are described below.

Attribute Description
name Array name
xdim Name of the array dimension representing easting or longitude
ydim Name of the array dimension representing northing or latitude
auth_name Authority name of the spatial reference system
auth_srid Unique identifier of the spatial reference system
srtext WKT string of the reference system
proj4text Proj4 string of the reference system
A String definintion for an affine transformation that maps array coordinates to world coordinates


The affine transformation A is used to relate image coordinates to referenced coordinates. Its string definition takes a space separated list of parameters x0,y0,a11,a12,a21,a22 with default values representing the identity transformation (0,0,1,0,0,1). Notice that the affine transformation is in line with the GDAL data model.


  1. Create an array that covers the whole world with 1 degree pixel size and one day temporal resolution starting at January 1st, 2015.

    store(build(<val:double>[lat=0:179,256,0,lon=0:359,256,0],double(random()) / double(2147483647)),world);  
    eo_setsrs(world,'lon','lat','EPSG',4326,'x0=-180 y0=90 a11=1 a22=-1');
  2. Get spatial reference information

  3. Get partial reference information

    project(eo_getsrs(world),arrayname, auth_name, auth_id) ;
  4. Clean up




Marius Appel - marius.appel@uni-muenster.de